参考链接 ======================================== wiki ---------------------------------------- - `AwesomeXSS `_ - `w3c `_ - `dom xss wiki `_ - `content-security-policy.com `_ - `markdwon xss `_ - `xss cheat sheet `_ - `html5 security cheatsheet `_ - `http security headers `_ - `XSSChallengeWiki `_ Challenges ---------------------------------------- - `XSS Challenge By Google `_ - `prompt to win `_ CSS ---------------------------------------- - `rpo `_ - `rpo攻击初探 `_ - `Reading Data via CSS `_ - `css based attack abusing unicode range `_ - `css injection `_ - `css timing attack `_ 同源策略 ---------------------------------------- - `Same origin policy `_ - `cors security guide `_ - `logically bypassing browser security boundaries `_ bypass ---------------------------------------- - `666 lines of xss payload `_ - `xss auditor bypass `_ - `xss auditor bypass writeup `_ - `bypassing-csp-using-polyglot-jpegs `_ 持久化 ---------------------------------------- - `变种XSS 持久控制 by tig3r `_ - `Using Appcache and ServiceWorker for Evil `_